Preparing for Graduation

The semester before you intend to graduate, you will need to complete apply online to graduate with the Office of the Registrar. You must also schedule a graduation review meeting with your CCAS academic advisor. At your graduation review, your advisor will review your record and confirm that you will have met all degree requirements by the end of your graduation term. If you are missing any required courses, your advisor will suggest that you adjust your final semester schedule.

Graduation Application Deadlines

Application Due DateExpected Graduation
March 15*Spring
July 15**Summer
November 15Fall

*If you are a spring graduate and you apply before the December deadline, you will receive a graduation review via email before the first day of spring classes.

**If you are a summer graduate and you wish to walk in Celebration/Commencement the spring prior, you must apply by March 15. You may participate in Celebration and/or Commencement if you have no more than 9 credits of requirements remaining to complete your degree.

Requirements for Graduation

Once you have confirmed that you have all of the necessary courses "In Progress" on your transcript, please also keep in mind:

  • You must earn a C- or better in all upper-level courses counting toward your major. There may be exceptions to this due the Pass/No Pass policy changes in spring 2020, fall 2020 and spring 2021.
  • You must keep your GPA above a 2.0.
  • Your credits must total 120 academic hours. Of these 120, 60 must be in-residence, 30 must be upper-level, 12 must be in the major and 6 must be in the minor.
  • Up to 3 credits of Health and Wellness (HLWL) and 3 credits of Lifestyle, Sport and Physical Activity (LSPA) — taken for a letter grade and earned a D- or better — may count toward your credit hours total.
  • If you took any course more than once, you may only count the credit once.
  • All coursework must be completed no later than the last day of final exams for the semester you intend to graduate. This means no Incompletes can be taken your final semester. For example, if you planned to graduate in the spring of 2024 but take an Incomplete in a course in the spring of 2024, you cannot graduate in spring 2024.
  • Check with your department website to see if you are eligible to apply for departmental honors.
  • Be sure that all transfer credit and/or study abroad credit has posted to your transcript.