Elective Internships

Academic credit associated with an internship experience may be obtained by registering for one of many course options. In each case, academic work is assigned in addition to time spent at the internship so that students can actively integrate the experience into their GW learning. 

CCAS Elective Internship Course

Students looking to receive elective credit for an internship may register for CCAS 2154: Elective Internship.

Note: If you register for CCAS 2154 in the fall or spring semester, the fee is included in your tuition (up to 18 credit hours). However when you register for CCAS 2154 in the summer for 1-3 credits, you have to pay per credit hour, as determined by the university. (For the zero credit option, visit Elective Internship for Zero Credit (Summer Only) for more information.)

How to Apply

  1. Obtain an internship for a number of hours per week that would not interfere with your academic workload.
  2. Read the Internship for Elective Credit information sheet (PDF) regarding student eligibility, application materials and academic requirements.
  3. Take some time to think about your internship and what information you may learn throughout your experience. You are encouraged to use that information to help shape your research for the required paper for the course.
  4. Think about the faculty you have interacted with in the past as well as your intended research topic. Make contact with a full-time faculty member that may be interested in supervising your readings and research for the semester
  5. Complete the entire CCAS 2154 Application and have both your internship supervisor (employer) and faculty advisor send their agreements by email via the form by the deadline listed.
  6. You will be notified as soon as possible as to whether you have been accepted to the course.

Application Materials

The completed application is due by the end of the fourth week of classes. 

Application for Elective Internship

For Faculty and Internship Supervisors

Faculty Advisors and Internship Supervisors will be sent a web-based evaluation form approximately 1 month before the end of the term. Please emailed [email protected] any questions. 

Internship Courses by Subject

Students can register for an internship class either in their academic unit (e.g., a geography student may sign up for GEOG 4199) or outside their unit if the internship aligns more closely with another subject (e.g., a history student working with a publishing company may sign up ENGL 4470).

Be sure to contact the respective department to learn more about what coursework is expected and how to obtain permission to register.


  • American Studies: AMST 4450
  • Anthropology: ANTH 3833/34
  • Archaeology: ANTH 3833/34
  • Art History: AH 4199
  • Biological Anthropology: ANTH 3833/34
  • Biological Sciences: BISC 4171, 4171W, and 4172W
  • Biophysics: PHYS 2192, 4195/96/97
  • Chemistry: CHEM 4195
  • Communication: COMM 4197
  • Criminal Justice: SOC 4192
  • Dance: TRDA 4598
  • English: ENGL 4470


  • Environmental Studies: GEOG 4199
  • Fine Arts: FA 4199
  • French: FREN 4800
  • Geography: GEOG 4199
  • Geological Sciences: GEOL 4199
  • History: HIST 3095
  • Human Services and Social Justice: HSSJ 4133
  • Journalism and Mass Communication: SMPA 3197
  • Mathematics: MATH 4995
  • Music: MUS 4199
  • Organizational Sciences: ORSC 4195


  • Peace Studies: PSTD 3999
  • Physics: PHYS 2192, 4195/96/97
  • Political Communication: SMPA 3197
  • Political Science: PSC 2987
  • Psychology: PSYC 3592
  • Religion: REL 3999
  • Sociology: SOC 3195
  • Spanish: SPAN 4800
  • Statistics: STAT 4195
  • Theatre: TRDA 4598
  • Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies: WGSS 4183